Tanya C asks: Is it true that weather fronts trigger flairs of CFS/ME/FM? A: Yes, many PWCs report flares of symptoms with changes in the weather or approaching fronts. They seem particularly affected by extremes of weather such as hot and humid or bitter cold . It is not clear why this happens, but similar […]
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Allergy Management
Cory wrote: : If someone is very allergic to inhaled allergens such as ragweed, tree pollen, and mold, I know you recommend that the patients get treated for these issues first. My question is: what constitutes effective treatment? Is it enough to treat the symptoms with drugs like Nasacort/Nasonex and OTC meds like Claritin? Or, […]
Food Allergy Testing
On April 4, 2012 Rita S. asked: What is your opinion of the ALCAT test for food sensitivities? I hear that it is controversial, but I feel like some of my symptoms are related to food sensitivities. There is no good lab test for food sensitivities. The best method is “withdrawal and challenge”; that is, […]
Burning feet
Laura A asks, “Do FM patients get burning feet syndrome?” Burning or very sore feet is common in FM actually. This may be due to fibropain itself (usually worse in the morning, and improves with activity) or a neurological condition called peripheral neuropathy ( PN ). PN causes a chronic or persistent sensation in a stocking distribution […]
What Are The Most Important Things To Remember About CFS/FM?
What are the most important things to remember about CFS/FM? My dear friend, Roger Gilmore, once suggested to me that the keys to improvement in CFS/FM are ACCEPTANCE, then ATTITUDE, the ADAPTION. The more experience I accrue, the more I think he is right. Let’s examine each of these themes. I used to show a […]
Coping with CFS/ME/FM, Dr. LappI Sweat A Lot. What Causes That?
I sweat a lot. What causes that? Excess perspiration is a common symptom of both CFS/ME and FM. The etiology is not clear. Dysautonomia is common in CFS/ME/FM, and may cause perspiration (diaphoresis). Also, PWCs have a narrow comfort range for environmental temperatures. In other words, it is easy for a PWC to get overheated […]
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Coping with CFS/ME/FM, FibromyalgiaWhy Do I Feel Worse In The Morning?
Why do I wake up every morning feeling worse than when I went to bed? Most of us awaken feeling somewhat stiff and foggy-headed, but these feelings are relatively mild and short-lived. In PWCs, however, the stiffness is debilitating and the mental fogginess is pervasive and long lasting. Unlike their healthier counterparts, these symptoms typically […]
abnormal sleep, CFS, Chronic Fatigue SyndromeI Never Get A Good Night’s Sleep
I never seem to get a good night’s sleep any more. What can you tell me about sleep? Sleep is one key to improvement in CFS, ME, and FM. Without sufficient restful sleep even normal healthy people feel tired, achy, and irritable; so imagine how PWCs would feel! There are at least 8 characteristics of […]
abnormal sleep, CFS Treatment, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, FM, MEWhat Should I Tell Friends About CFS/ME/FM?
What should I tell friends or employers who ask about CFS/ME/FM? Don’t you get tired of explaining?! If you explain “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” the likely response is “oh yeah, I get tired a lot myself,” or “isn’t that the ‘Yuppie Flu’?” Both responses are justifiable grounds for homicide, in my opinion! At worst the word […]
ADA, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Myalgic EncephalomyelitisAsk The Doctor – Please Read Before Posting
Get the facts on CFS/ME/FM. Ask the Doctor is your opportunity to get questions about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Fibromyalgia answered by Dr. Lapp and Dr. Black at Hunter-Hopkins Center. [approved]Please feel free to submit questions for Dr. Lapp or Dr. Black to answer using the comment form or email us at drlapp@drlapp.net. […]
CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dr. Black, Dr. Lapp, Fibromyalgia, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis